• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024


Born Again Christian who loves technology. Wondering when I will get every electronic device I want.
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Home Network upgrades incoming

I hope to redo my network equipment before the end of the year. I am hoping to switch everything to UniFi. I already have the Cloud Gateway Ultra router. I…

Interesting Newsworthy things that happened around our house

In the last 3 years some news worthy things have happened. For instance yesterday on my birthday in the afternoon I was helping my mother unload some groceries she had…

My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I celebrated by having a steak dinner with my family and bought myself a watch. I took today and tomorrow off from work. It was a…

New Theme

Well, I updated the website with a new theme. Let me know what you think. I think it looks good. I add a couple of plug-ins and widgets. I don’t…

Thinking for the future

Hope everyone is doing great. I am sitting here on a Saturday getting little things done and over with and checked off my list. I am also thinking of future…

Microsoft gaming disappointment

I am disappointed with the direction Microsoft is taking with their gaming: A Review This isn’t a complete takedown of Microsoft, as I admire them overall, alongside tech giants like…


Well, it all started at around 4 PM on Saturday, December 10, 2023. I went into A-FIB and I don’t know why. Almost 3 days later on Tuesday, December 12,…

Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023. I hope everyone gets stuffed. I was thinking what I am Thankful this year for. Well, my salvation, my Lord, my family and getting up every morning…

New Integrations

WordPress has tied into Mastodon. So I am going to try that. Lets see if it works. Just another way where I can follow myself :). No seriously this seems…

Need to do better

I need to do better at blogging. Sometimes I forget or think no one wants to hear about this anyway. Even though it does make me feel better when I…