Author: Michael

  • Hello all, I hope you like the couple of pictures I have uploaded. I have more I will upload when I get back home. I am typing this from Nashville, Tennessee. I am at the hotel. I will be leaving in a little while to go to the airport to take my flight home. I hope everyone is well.

    Also, 2 days left before my surgery and tomorrow is my birthday….I am getting old.

  • A great view of my future homesite, on my Paris, Tennesse property.

  • Dover Tennessee

    Fort Donelson, overlooking the Cumberland River.

  • Good Morning,
    I will be on an airplane in a little bit. I am heading to my property in Paris, Tennessee. Remember to look for the photos. It looks like it maybe raining up there. This will be my second time only of flying. I hope it goes well. Take care to all.

  • Hope everyone is doing great. I am off to Tennessee for a few days starting Thursday. I will be back next Tuesday and then on next Thursday I get to go in for surgery. The only thing that bothers me is I am not sure how long if any I will be out of work. My time is almost gone. We accumulate time very slowly at this job compared to my State job. One of the minuses.

    Look for picture posts Starting Thursday.

  • Took Henry to the regular Vet today. I had to postpone his annual visit because of his surgery. The regular Vet says Henry is in top notch condition.

    I would also like to for people that I know to give up Google and use Yahoo!. I own stock in Yahoo! so I am partial. But, with only about a couple of exceptions. Yahoo! is better in my opinion. Try it for a month and tell me what you think.

  • My sister-in-law, Nadia, vehicle after it was rearended today.

  • Well it was not good news today at the doctors. I will be going in for surgery April 5, 2007. I let everyone know what happens as the saga continues.

  • Well, I hope everyone likes the new look of the website. I will try to keep it updated more frequently. However, starting March 12, 2007, I go back to midnights 7P-7A.
    I go to the doctor tomorrow. I may need some surgery. I will let everyone know after tomorrow.
    My Grandmother is in the hospital. She has the flu and pneumonia. I talked to her today and she sounded better. I also found out my Aunt Shirley has cirrhosis of the liver. She is on a transplant list. This is my second aunt to have that condition and neither was a drinker.
    Well, I did not win the lottery. I was so hoping, so that I could build my dream home ( ).
    I also have been thinking lately that I want to learn how to ride a horse and a camel. I also want to own both since I do own 15 acres in Paris, Tennessee. Both have pros and cons and are ridden with the same training, with a couple of differences in the camel (giving commands for the camel to lay down). I have found several horses I like ranging from $800 to 2000. Camels are little more expensive ranging from $550 to $10000. I wish I could retire today.

  • Website Update!The website update for March 2007 has finally been completed. Hope everyone is doing fine. I have been better, but surviving. Take care to all.