Author: Michael

  • Uh I finally did it. I finished level 5 of Rogue Squadron II. Other than that not much going on.

  • Ok this weekend I got really ticked. Ticked at the Gamecube. I am trying to finish a level of Star Wars Rogue Leader Rogue Squadron II. I can’t get the prisoners safe. UGHHHH!!!!

  • My sister had another baby girl her second. Taylor Ann Mitchell (Cameron) was born on Sunday, May 23, 2004. Everyone is doing great!!

    Well, I took last night off and I am off all weekend. However, the next month will be long. I have a lot to do. I hope everyone likes the update to the website. Also, I have started using Bloggers own comment system so the past comments are gone (Sorry!).

    I am still waiting on my money from the State of Florida, Geezzz I am glad I am not depending on it.

    I saw a good movie the other day the “Hulk” I liked it.

  • Ok whats up with people naming their babies stupid names? A friend of my brother’s, which I know, is naming his baby “Sailor” it is a girl.

  • It rain today which fit into my mood. I am just lazing around. Back to work tomorrow. This weekend flew.

  • My plans today, on this great day to be off, are to go get Henry his medicine for allergies and his special dog food. Then I am going to run to Staples and get some printer paper. Then I am doing absolutely nothing. I would go to the movies if 1 I had the money and 2 there was something go to watch.
    Oh by the way I still have not got my supposed lost money that the State has been keeping for me. I sent them an e-mail today. I probably won’t get an answer until next week some time. I need that money I am really bad off this month as far as money. Don’t ask me how I ended up I am still trying to figure that one out.

    [Listening to: The Gathering – Bebo Norman – City on a Hill: The Gathering (03:36)]
  • I saw a good movie the other day I had bought the DVD Seabiscuit and watched it I give it 4.5 stars. I am looking forward to the weekend. I am going to be lazy. I am still waiting on my money from the State of Florida. See you all later.

  • Ok what’s up? I have a serious sinus headache today. I have taken my medication to no effect. I hate my sinuses. What do they actually do? But, cause me serious health problems. If I did not have sinus problems I think I would be 100 percent healthy.

  • Well, I was a little under the weather yesterday even had a low grade fever plus a huge sinus headache. I feel 90 percent better today. I was taking Friday off as a vacation day but I am going to go ahead and go to work.
    Why is it when you owe some one or the Government money they want it right away but the Government owes you and they take their sweet time? The STATE of FLORIDA owes me 106 dollars and some change please send me my check.

  • Well, today was another lazy day. I did not get my hair cut today because my Cousin I did not come over today. Hopefully, Wednesday afternoon.