Author: Michael

  • Well, I am supposed to be getting my tax return this Friday. The little bit it is. I have to take Henry to the Eye Vet next Wednesday at 2:45PM.
    I ordered the new webpage software and it should be here by the end of the week or the beginning of next. So, I will be able to update the web page in the next couple of weeks.
    Also, I will have 9 nine days off in March. At least 1 will be reinstalling the operating system I have a corrupted file somewhere. So, I am going to fix that. I think it had something to do with the Outlook files I imported. Microsoft has no idea and I haven’t heard from them in a couple of days.

  • Ok, I took the day off boy am I glad I did. I had to go in for a few hours to work today but was not getting paid. This is the day we bid for the shift we want to work next year. I don’t have a lot of seniority so I got midnight shift. Which will be either 6p-6a or 7p-7a. It is going to be better than the shift I am on now 1p-1a. The 1p-1a shift is just too busy. You don’t have time to breathe. Well, I am off until Friday. See everyone later.

  • This STINKS!!!! I just got my second W-2 that I was waiting on. I did my taxes and I went from $2900 to $782. All I am getting is $782. This will get 1 bill paid off. Why are single people killed in taxes? I tried to itemize and no can do. Doesn’t add up to more than my standard deduction.
    All the other plans I had are out the window. At least I get my pay raise in April.

  • I am looking at buying a new computer toward the end of this year. Maybe, it depends on the financial outlook at that time. My new job still has not sent me my W-2. This is the last one I am waiting on. I am hoping to pay off at least 2 bills with my tax refund. The song that should be on the bottom of this post is a great song.

    [Listening to: The Gathering – Bebo Norman – City on a Hill: The Gathering (03:36)]
  • Got some much needed rest today. It has been a busy week at work. Relaxing this weekend will be good.
    Henry is doing great. He just got his hair cut. I will be updating the website in the next month or so. I am working on several side projects. Take care to all!

  • My new work team seems to be a lot of good people. The new shift is doing good on the body. Off today and tomorrow have to run something over to the doctor’s tomorrow.

  • Well, I finished the fresh install of Windows XP and put the new Office 2003 on my system. I hope it holds all year. Seems to be working great. No bugs. Got my webcam picture back just have to start loading it up. They only thins is I have to get used to the Outlook 2003. Totally different interface.
    Well, to my new work time tomorrow. Take care to everyone.

  • Well, this is new. This is the first time I have called out of sick for an entire day at my new job. I have a sinus headache, low grade fever and an overall feeling of fatigue. I think it just the change in weather. Felt pretty good yesterday but woke up not to good. I think all the long hours I have been putting in his contributed to my decline. I am sleeping mostly. I just woke up after being a sleep for most of the day except a 2 hour stretch this afternoon.

  • I went to the doctor yesterday for a yearly physical. So far, I gotten green thumbs but we have to wait for the blood test and another test because there was a little problem. However, the little problem so far is not a big problem and the Doctor just thinks it might be a benign problem. I don’t want to go into too much detail yet. On the downside, they gave me the wrong prescription. I was supposed to get a subscription for Clarinex and they gave me one for Clarintin. Which is stupid I can buy Clarintin over the counter why would I need a prescription for that. Have to go to work early today. I have to attend some training. So it is going to be a long day.

  • This is a great song RHAPSODY Link