Author: Michael

  • Well, I took Henry to the Eye Vet. today. The verdict….Henry has glaucoma in his left eye. His pressure should be in the mid teens or low 20’s but his is 50. I have some tough decisions to make if the 3 new medications I have to use on him do not work. Today’s visit $192.00.

  • Well, I am finally getting some days off. I had Henry groomed today. I also have to take him to the eye Vet tomorrow. He is having trouble with his left eye. Hopefully, it is nothing. I will let everyone know.

  • Latest News: It’s official I am done with my training and now onto the meat and potatoes of the job. My supervision approved me to work on my own today.

    Raining right now and it is making me sleepy. Henry is doing good and I off to play a game. Take care to everyone.

  • Sorry I have not blogged in a long time or update the web site. I have been very busy at my new job. I think the craziness should slow down and hopefully stop in the next couple of weeks.
    Henry is doing great. I have to get him groomed. I will probably take him this Friday.
    My sinus infection is slowly going away I have to take the antibiotics for another several weeks.
    My on the job training is almost done. I have collected almost 30 hours of overtime since I started this new job.
    Well, hopefully in the next couple of weeks I will be able to update the website. Take care to everyone.

  • Went to the doctor today. I was right a full blown sinus infection. The doctor is trying a different strategy. I will be on an antibiotic for 6 weeks to see if the infection will be knocked out and stay out. I hope so. I am tired so I am going to sleep early tonight. Might try to update my website this weekend. We will see.

  • Hey everyone! So, I have not blogged in a long time. Things are very busy at work now. I am getting close to my on the job training period. I should be finished the first week of September if everything goes well. I have had 4 trainers before the one I have now and they were all excellent. The one I have now is great he is younger than me but knows what he is doing. He will probably be one of my supervisors in the future.

    On the health front I have to make an appointment. I think I am coming down with another sinus infection. I don’t really think I “fully” recovered from my last one. Doctors hate giving out antibiotics anymore. I think if they put me on one for 2 months. I would be definitely cured for a while or at least until the next cold. I also need to go back to Doctor Anglin my eye doctor to have my pressure checked. She was a little concerned with it last time and wanted me to have it re-checked in six months. Well, it is six months. So, I guess I will make an appointment with the doctor in the next couple of weeks and get the sinus infection and then see if he will give me a referral to her so I don’t have to pay for it.

    Well, this has been a long post. I will be off Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, I have been invited to a birthday party so I will be out at the birthday party on Saturday.

  • MY DSL is back up and running. Hurrah!! Now, I just have to get everything set back up. I go back to work tomorrow and Thursday. So, I will finish everything up on Friday.

  • I was off all this weekend and it felt good. I go back to work. Expenses have seemed to be climbing. I am looking at cutting some of my monthly expenses. For example I have taken steps to reduce my monthly telephone bill including DSL from 130 to almost 80. Well, back to work tomorrow. The rest of this month and all of next and my training will be complete.

  • Another 2 days off. I am taking Henry to the Vet today for his 6 month proheart shot and an allergy shot. I am also going to do a couple of errands. Was sick on Monday and work 3/4 of a day. Had to go home wanted to stick it out but just could not do it.
    Yesterday felt fine and work an hour and a half over. Loving the new job. I will be working this weekend. Next year is a short week. Thank God for that. Also, got some monetary issues clarified from a couple of bills stand point and work owes me some money.

    Take care everyone.

  • Well, I am off this weekend. Just a note to all, you will not see Webcam updates for a couple of weeks or may a couple of months. I am going to be re-installing my operating system within the next couple of months. I am having a few issues that I created so I will be resolving them with a fresh install. I probably won’t even attempt it until after the 4th of July weekend. So, for those of you looking forward to my annual 4th of July update it will not be happening this year.

    I may be buying a new computer this year if I do it will be around Christmas or at the beginning of next year. I might be buying a new laptop this year. I am not sure if I will or won’t. If I do it will be around the end of August or September. I am doing some budget restructuring so that I can still get my own house in 2 years or sooner.

    I changed my DSL service today I currently have 1.5 megabits down and 384 kilobits up. But, the telephone company says I can take my $133 monthly bill and cut it down to around $80.00 a month with a special package. The only things that will change is my upload speed will drop down to 128 kilobits and I will be switching my long distance carrier from AT&T to Verizon. But, the long distance is supposed to be unlimited so we will see.