• Sun. Oct 6th, 2024



Jan 21, 2023

 I asked ChatGPT to compose a poem comparing the lives of Jesus Christ and Alexander the Great. This is what it wrote:

Jesus and Alexander, two great names,
Whose lives and legacies forever remain.
One a king of men, the other King of Kings,
Both with armies and power at their wings.

Alexander conquered lands far and wide,
His empire stretching from side to side.
But Jesus, a different kind of king,
His kingdom not of this world, but within.

Alexander, a hero of war and might,
His conquests, a source of great delight.
But Jesus, a hero of love and grace,
His sacrifice, the human race to embrace.

Alexander’s legacy is one of fame,
His conquests, a source of great acclaim.
But Jesus’ legacy is one of love,
A gift to us from the heavens above.

In death, Alexander’s empire fell,
But Jesus’ message, forever will dwell.
For while Alexander’s reign was temporal,
Jesus’ reign eternal, forever immortal.


This is quite Similar to Charles Ross Weede poem The Conquerors. Both are quite good and ChatGPT is quite interesting to use.  I spent about 1 hour with it tonight.

By Michael

Born Again Christian who loves technology. Wondering when I will get every electronic device I want.