• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Thanksgiving 2023


Nov 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023. I hope everyone gets stuffed.

I was thinking what I am Thankful this year for. Well, my salvation, my Lord, my family and getting up every morning and having a job that pays me for my work. Other than that not much. 2023 has not been a very cheerful year for me. My family and me have had continued health problems and a little bit of money problems this year (mainly due to inflation). Other than that I am looking forward to this year being over. I am not looking forward to one thing next year and that is Politics both people that will be running for President are just too old as well as most members of Congress and the rest are just there for themselves.

Not all has been bad this year. I have found a few good things about this year in addition to what I talked about being thankful already. So, I look forward to saying good bye to 2023.

By Michael

Born Again Christian who loves technology. Wondering when I will get every electronic device I want.