
    Pixel 6 Pro

     I have been reading and looking at the new Google Pixel 6 Pro and I like what I see. I will probably not buy on launch but probably by the end of the year. I have loved all my past Pixel's. Can't wait to see the Pixel 6's.

    20 years

    I just realized I have been on Blogger for 20 years. I started in 2001 blogging. I am not a prolific blogger. But I try to keep typing a way. I was just amazed when I saw it has been 20 years. Blogger hasn't really changed that much. I do keep wishing I could have a desktop app to load more. I am a app and software type person. I try to do as much as possible out side of the web browser. 

    Thanks Blogger and Google for 20 years.


     Things never stay the same like I want. I want all my tabs and settings and extensions on all my devices look like my main system unless I opt out that machine. Same with Onedrive and other services that sync things. They never say follow this template unless item or machine is opted out.

    First Tropical Storm/Hurricane of the year

     Well, we will be experiencing our first Tropical Storm/Hurricane of the year, Elsa. It should be rather tame alot of rain and some wind, but Florida should be able to bare it. Hopefully this will be the worst of the season. Stay safe and stay dry if you can everyone.

    4th of July 2021

     Happy 4th of July 2021 to everyone. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy 4th of July. This year we are seeing the World rebound from hopefully once in a lifetime Pandemic. During this time my normal TV viewing habits have changed and I find myself watching less newer TV shows and series and more old favorites and finding new stuff to watch on YouTube.   

    The stuff on YouTube has been very interesting and pretty good. I have found some new music I like and new performers. Well anyways just wanted to right a quick blog and tell everyone Happy 4th of July.

    What if?

     What if you won the lottery? I always think this. I imagine depending on how much I won where I would live. Hawaii, French Polynesia, Corfu, or Crete. That is my shortlist. Each has its pros and cons. I lean toward Hawaii as it is part of the United States does not require a passport and the people speak English.

    Well, that was just a what-if and a random thought. I hope everyone has a good Memorial Day. 

    Just thinking

    I was just thinking I haven't posted in a long time. Nothing really worth posting. Other than I have gotten my Covid-19 vaccine, both does of the Pfizer. 

    I have also been thinking lately about how I have been watching more oldie TV. I find the shows comforting and better than some of the junk they are trying to show on regular shows with all the PC junk going on right now. 

    Tonight is the last night of a little stay at home vacation I took. Back to the grind tomorrow. 

    Take care everyone for now.

    New Year's 2021

     Happy New Year! My first post of this year. It is after midnight and I am still up because we have fireworks going off all around us. I guess the neighbors shooting off fireworks thanks it good to keep going into the wee morning hours. Well, hopefully this will be it. 

    Lets hope this is a great year.

    Last Post of 2020

     Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Let's pray the Lord will Bless us all in 2021. 

    My Mom and I were talking today. For our Family, other than my father losing his job this year, 2020 was not that bad of a year for our Family. We all had relatively good health and did not get COVID-19. So this year has not been bad as the Lord kept us safe and blessed. We are hoping that our financial fortunes turn positive but other than that we are good. 

    Hope you all have a safe night and will hopefully blog more in 2021. 

    Merry Christmas!

     Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday King Jesus!

    Without you eternal life is not possible. Thank you for all you have done, are doing and will do. 

    Enjoy your day everyone.

    A sad day

     Christmas Eve is a sad day for me. I dropped my Pixel 4XL and the front screen has cracked. It is moderate and the phone functions. So I will have to spend the money and get it fixed 😞. Especially since I have at least another year.

    Merry Christmas Eve!

     Merry Christmas Eve to everyone!

    Hope everyone is doing great. My family is doing as good as can be expected in light of everything. We are all COVID free which is great. Just wanted to remind everyone to keep in mind The Reason for the Season the birth of Our King Jesus. So while you celebrate and get and give gifts remember the true reason why we celebrate.

    Season Finale's

     I have to say Disney+ is a hit and the Series The Mandalorian is great. I just watched the Season 2 Finale and it was 9 out of 10. Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni should have been handed the keys to the Star Wars Universe. They have the best handle on the Star Wars Canon and tying all the Star Wars Universe Materials together. Abrams did a disservice to the Star Wars Universe. I can't wait to see how the keep Season 3 going with Grogu (aka Baby Yoda) now supposedly off. Hopefully The Manalorian keeps going for a few more seasons and we see an older Grogu that can catch back up with Mando and the gang and due stuff.Again, that was a great Season Finale. Thanks to all who work on this series it is a need break in my week to watch this Series, my only complaint what happened to a series being 20-23 episodes a year 😀?

    Star Trek Discovery also had their Season Finale. It wasn't as great but there was some interesting tidbits in there to the past. I just wish they would either pick a strategy or if they are going to mix it up with the action and exploration it would be a little more woven together. I understand why they had to do the last 2 episodes but I think they could have done them earlier and it would have fit in better and again a Series like Star Trek should be longer than 10 episodes a Season. 

    Finally I understand this year why there will be more time between Seasons but honestly before this year there is no excuse. TV Seasons used to be three to four months. Now we are going up to a year (before the pandemic hit) or longer. Come on TV people get it together. 



    Post Haircut

    Here is my hair post haircut. I feel lighter and it is cooler. The barber is great! I still didn't feel safe too many people in there this time but we all had mask on, so I think it will be OK. We stated away from each other.

    Pandemic Hair

    This is the longest and most out of control my hair has ever been. This is my pandemic Covid-19 hair. I will hopefully be getting a hair cut on Monday after work. It is way too hot for this long hair. 

    Clothing Makers

     Attention all clothing makers. When making shirt short sleeve or long sleeve, how about a pocket for men just one. I just it for my cell phone. That is all and Thank you!

    Been a long time

     It has been a long time since I post a blog. I really have just been working and trying to keep my sanity with the political theater lately. I have voted and it has been turned in and can't wait for the election to be over. 

    I am also looking forward to Thanksgiving week. I will be off 4 out of the 5 days. I will be gaming mos of the week. Speaking of games I am loving the new EA Star Wars Squadron's.

    The only other going on in my life debating whether to get a couple of electronic devices. The big things like a new gaming laptop and computer will be put off until next year as my main desktop is slowly going down the hill. 


    Our Last Dog is Gone!

    Petals are last dog would have turned 16 years in October of this year. We had to put her to sleep today as she was suffering from some kind of medical problem (either tumor or stroke). She was a great dog and was always happy to see anyone of us.

    Enjoying Time Off

    I have been off the last 3 days and have been relaxed. I have 4 days left. Wish it could be more, but atlast I cannot afford it.

    Coronavirus Family Update Status

    My family and I have been doing fine. We have not been sick other than I have a minor sinus infection. But again none of us have been tested so we don’t know if we are carriers. We try to keep away from everyone and only go out for work or the grocery store. I wish there was reliable testing everywhere. 

    I blame China for this and wish we would pull everything out of there. Not really sure where to move it, prefer for it to come back here, but that is not happening unless the Government forces it to do so. 

    I hope everyone else is doing great. 

    Take care and will be off after tomorrow for a forced week off for cost-saving measures. 

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