
    Thank you

    Thank you to all of you that have wished me Birthday wishes for my 51st Birthday. I can’t say it was much of a celebration in the light of being in a pandemic. But, the wishes were great and I wanted to thank you all. 

    Thanks to my mother for one of my favorite dinners and the red velvet cake. Hopefully, next year will be a little better. Stay safe everyone and let’s pray that God will guide us through this and his will be done. 

    End of an era

    It is the end of an Era for the Mitchell Tribe as I have sold the Inverness Property I inherited from my Grandmother. I tried to hold onto it until I could fix it and improve the land with a new trailer but after 12 years and money lost I sold it. I remember spending my summers up there with my Grandmother and my family going up there and watching the fireflies and walking up there and being able to just relax. In the last few months, I have not been relaxing but have been stressing about the property as the “new” neighbors were squatting and illegally storing stuff in a run-down trailer. So rather than put up with the next door hooligans I sold the property at a significant loss. I believe that the group I sold it too will improve. So The Mitchell’s bid Citrus County a farewell.

    Wuhan China Virus (COVID19)

    Well, I hope everyone is doing great and keeping their social distance and washing their hands. The Wuhan China Virus is teaching us a lot as a Nation and People. Here is what I am learning so far.

    1. Our Internet Infrastructure is not adequate if a majority of people are working from home. Congress in their Coronavirus 4 package needs to include money to finally bring fiber to every corner of the US and I mean wired either through their own through municipalities and through grants to private companies. 

    2. Hospitals need some kind of Federalization during an incident like this. 

    3. Unemployment needs to be rethought and pandemic provisions.

    4. The U.S. needs to sue China for this as this is the Communist Government fault. Either it was a bioweapon that went wrong or they need strict sanitary laws for those wet markets if it was truly crossed that way. This is the third respiratory virus that has originated from China (SARS, MERS and now Covid19). China at a minimum needs to forgive our national debt total to them.   

    Those are my opinions and thoughts right now. Remember to wash your hands frequently and keep your distance. Be safe and COVID19 free. 

    Broadband in America

    I have been thinking lately about a lot of things broadband related. If telecom and cable companies don’t start investing in building out high-speed internet they are going to lose. When Starlink and OneWeb and even if Kuiper gets up and running they are going to lose a good portion of there customer base depending if these low orbit satellites residential price is right.

    Centurylink and Frontier will definitely be bankrupt and probably under Government control.
    For instance, I inherited a piece of property in rural part of the Country. The fastest internet I could get there is only 15/1 ADSL2+.  However, it might be more viable to me with gigabit internet with low latency. Just my two cents.

    Welcome 2020

    Welcome 2020 be kind to us and thank you Lord Almighty for another year in your presence.

    Good Bye 2019

    This will be my last entry for 2019, my 50th year on this Earth. This year has been a much better year than the last few in many ways and worse in some ways. Overall, I will say I did not mind this year. Not sure how 2020 will turn out for me, but I am hoping it will build on the positive things from this last year. My 50th year overall was positive and hoping 2020 will continue.

    I am praying that if Jesus does not come back that my family and myself have a great and blessed year (2020) along with every one of my friends.

    See you in the New Year. 2020 here I come!

    Google Thank You!

    Google Thank you for completing RCS! You did it. Now just add encryption, but thank you!!!!

    Season 2 of Lost in Space

    I watched Season 2 of the New Lost in Space from Netflix. This is the greatest show Netflix has. It was outstanding. I can’t wait for Season 3 and hope I don’t have to wait another year.

    Netflix get to work or sell it to Disney Plus.

    OK Google are you listening!

    Google should shun the Carriers and just build or turn on their own RCS services and make a bold announcement about it. Then bypass the Carriers and bake in encryption and just make a true competitor and Android version of iMessages. It is time Google. 

    OK, Google are you listening! Do it and show the Carriers if you want to you can beat them at their own game.

    RCS Google now is the time!

    Google now is the time to go full speed ahead and take RCS into your own hands and out of the carriers. You want to be Apple-like when it comes to phones well that includes RCS messaging. Bypass the Carriers and do it yourself like Apple does. This way it is own your own Phones by default and probably get other phone makers (except Samsung) to make Andriod Messages the default.

    Google Please!!!!

    Google the Pixel 4 disappoints. Please listen for the survival of the Pixel line. No, I don’t have the Pixel 4 nor do I want one. Why?

    1.  No fingerprint reader. Face unlock/ID might be just as secure, but it is not 100 percent reliable. 
    2. No FM chip. I know that streaming is your bread and butter but it would bring in more people to the Pixel ecosystem and it does have National Security/Emergency implications.
    3. No Headphone-jack. Think of it you would trump Apple and shame Apple at the same time. 
    4. Minimum 128GB and 256GB for memory instead of 64GB and 128GB. 
    5. Bringing back the 2 front cameras and keeping the soli chip. 
    6. Improve video recording quality to beat Apple like the superior still shots.
    7. This is a big one lower the price by 200 to 250. I believe you will still make a profit. 
    8. Optional adding to 2TB SD card support, but I could live without this one. 
    9. Bring it out in July instead of October. Beating Apple by 2 months and being able to use the latest Qualcomm chip before it becomes obsolete in October.  
    What do you think?


    My permanent retirement is still a little ways off. Just wondering where I should retire. I have pluses and minuses for each one. Thinking of the list below. Does anyone have any thoughts and suggestions? My retirement will be mostly Social Security and will need my money to last, high-speed internet and good medical facilities (which includes doctors).

    1. Paris, Tennessee
    2. Logan, WV
    3. Lewisburg, WV
    4. Chattanooga, TN
    5. Inverness, FL
    6. The home city where I am now.
    7. St Ives UK
    8. Corfu, Greece 

    The last two are foreign yes I know, but I have done a lot of research on them and like them for their visual appeal. Corfu Greece is probably the most affordable of the two foreign choices. 

    Microsoft's Surface Event

    The highlight of this week was watching the Microsoft Surface Event. I liked and wanting everything they announced. My wallet says no and that is the final word. My head says get get get! I plan on waiting to see the reviews and hope that next year will be a better year financially so that I can maybe get one of the new devices. I am really looking forward to the Surface Neo.
    Google’s event I am kind of not looking forward too. I like the camera advancements I have been hearing about. Google why can’t you leave the fingerprint reader, add a headphone jack and an FM tuner that would make it a big BUY for me. I know Google is planning to announce other things, but I have several Google devices and like every one of them. I wish the would simplify the privacy options by having one setting choice so that I could saw delete all my maps, history and other information collected after 18 months. Instead, you have to set each feature separately.

    Please Netflix

    Please, Netflix you don’t have to add sex to every episode of TV Series. The storyline is strong enough without it and I personally don’t want to see it. Respect the storyline and people’s modesty.

    Americans are stressed beyond belief in my opinion

    Everywhere I go lately service is terrible. I went to CVS today to pick up my prescription which was only 7 pills for 15 dollars. I get home and look in the bottle and I have only 6 pills. So I called CVS they will have the other one ready for me. I am not making an extra trip until Monday after work.
    Everywhere I go nowadays something is always messed up because places are short staff or just pressured to perform. We all need to slow down just a touch. The only thing that should be lightning fast is our internet.

    iPhone 11

    Saw the Apple keynote yesterday. Was not impressed with anything except the new Apple Watch Series 5. I did like the new colors for the phone especially that midnight green. However, the new phones are not that inspiring. I like my Google Pixel 3. Let’s see what Google comes up with as I have come to love Google Products. My tech rankings

    1. Microsoft
    2. Google
    3. Apple’s iPad and iPod (but that is it).

      I will say Google needs to trim their software offerings and then stick by what the have and stop killing things. Microsoft is also bad about that. Google example the Pixel Slate. They gave up to early on it. Also the numerous messaging apps. Android Messages seems like the clear choice and PLEASE GOOGLE keep GOOGLE VOICE.

    Doctor's Visit today

    Went to my Primary Care doctor. Have a lot of medical issues trying to work through them one at a time. But doesn’t help when a staff member sends you home with somebody else’s paperwork. Now, who has mine if anyone.
    Been a long week glad it is almost over. I need about a month off.

    18 Years Ago

    Do you remember where you were when 9/11 attacks occurred? I do. I was in traffic court in Plant City, Florida.I had just left when my mother called me to tell me about the first plane and then while I was on the phone with her she watched the second plane fly into the Tower. That whole day was a long day for me and I remember almost everything about that day. 

    Hopefully, nothing like it will happen again. Be safe and be careful every day.  

    Back to work

    Back to work tomorrow. It was a relaxing weekend, except for the leg cramps I had every night that I was sleeping. I played video games but not as much as I hoped. I was tired and decided to just relax. I did finally get to start Season 7 of The Walton’s.
    This month and next month will be a big challenge in many ways. Hope everyone else had a great Labor Day 2019.

    Hurricane Dorian

    Praying for all the people in the path of Dorian. Cat 5 Hurricane.

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