Category: Uncategorized

  • Sick

    Well, today I had to call in sick. Once again my sinuses are acting up. Please some smart inventive Doctor find a cure for all sinus problems.

  • The Oppressed

    I feel Oppressed. Oppressed by Corporate America!!! LOL!!! Someone at work told be because they were black and I was waiting and working hard that I was oppressing his people and forcing his people to sell stuff to my people. LOL. I told him he was crazy. I mentioned all this to because lately I feel the pressure of money. I have been cutting expenses like crazy. I have lowered my car insurance (they did it I did not ask). A couple of credit cards I got them to reduce the interest rate. I am thinking about cutting my cable services and lower that rate (though that one will only be a few dollars). I am looking for a way to get rid of or lower my storage fee payments. I have changed cell carriers and getting great service with more features than Nextel (I went with Sprint PCS) at a lower rate.

    Well that is my ranting and raving now. I want to get a lot of bills paid off this year. I hope the tax man doesn’t oppress me and sets me free .

  • Cellular Telephone Service

    As I mentioned in my previous post I bought my self a SCP 5500 cellular telephone with built in camera. I discontinued my Nextel Service for several reasons. First and foremost cost, second the direct connect service on Sprint, called Ready Link is superior than Nextel’s and lastly since the two companies are merging and my contract had been up for some time I went with Sprint. If you are not aware Nextel within the next 3 years will be converting everyone on Nextel’s network over to Sprint’s. So everyone will be back together eventually. Just one more thing my cell phone number did not change. The first week of January 2005 I will be sending a e-mail to all family and friends just to give them all my updated information. I do this once a year in case you lose it or something has changed. Take care and God Bless.

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all! I am having a great time with family and friends.

    Here is a list of Presents so far:

    Mom got me a Citizen EcoDrive Watch.
    Dad got me a EverStart Maxx Jump Starter Box.
    Sister and her boyfriend got me a wristband.
    Brother and Sister in law got me a Circuitcity Gift Card.
    Cousin Tina got me a Walmart Gift Card.
    Great Friend Krystal got me an Olive Garden Gift Card.
    My Supervisor at work got me an Outback Gift Card.
    Another Supervisor at work got me pocket light.

    A great Christmas this year! Each year they get better. Maybe because I am getting older. I got myself a Sprint cellular camera phone and love it. Hope everyone is having a GREAT CHRISTMAS. Also don’t forget the reason for today the BIRTH of JESUS CHRIST, our SAVIOR.

  • Cold

    It is cold today. It is 54 degrees right now….burr. I just finished watching The Day After Tomorrow. It was excellent a 4.5 star movie. It looks like a cold week. I am working overtime tomorrow and then working regular shift Wednesday. I took off this Thursday and next Monday. This will give me a few days off. I am off this Christmas….

  • Henry Update

    Took Henry to the Eye Vet today and all is great. His pressure was 18 Vet said this was great. He discontinued his only pills. Finally great news.

  • Movies

    Well, I had a weekend off for a change. I mean truly off. No overtime no nothing. I watched several 4 stars DVD’s. I watched The Chronicles of Riddick, Van Helsing and the newest Harry Potter DVD The Prisoner of Azkaban. I recommend them all if you haven’t seen them. I also caught up on my TV watching. This cleared out my Tivo. I have come to really enjoy NCIS on CBS, Tuesday’s at 8PM. The CSI series getting a little too odd.
    This is my long work week. I will be posting on Wednesday about Henry. He has a Eye Vet checkup. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Even though I had to work I did enjoy my Thanksgiving.

  • Welfare in Amercia

    I was reading a thread over at about new low housing homes being built in Oregon and the State was requiring the contractors to wire the homes for either DSL or Cable and that these residents received free or heavily discounted high speed internet access. Well, this started a flurry of discussion to say the least. Here is my two cents. I believe the Welfare System the way it is, is a total failure. It encourages people to be lazy, dishonest and baby factories. I have many ideas on how to fix it. Too many to list here. But, Welfare is Tax Fraud and Waste at it’s height. Well, just my two cents.

  • All is well and boring!

    I am taking a little vacation from work. I will not go back to work until next Friday. I have some odds and ends to do. Other than that relax is my key word right now.

  • The Election

    Well, thank God Elections are over. I got so very tired of watching election commericals. The person I voted for (George Bush) won the election. I don’t necessarily like George Bush. However, I could not in good conscious vote for John Kerry. I did like John Edwards but, not John Kerry. Well, lets pray for one thing. George Bush makes simpler the tax code. I will be updating the web site next week. Take care everyone.