Henry is nearly blind. He has some vision but not much. He is using his sense of smell and hearing the most. When I go back to the doctor I am sure that he will have one surgery left to stop the eye from hurting. I don’t think it will have to be removed but another option will take place. I have also noticed Henry stays by me more and is depending on me more.
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Henry Update
Well, I took Henry to the Eye Vet yesterday. He stitches came out fine and the Eye Vet says all looks well on that front. However, his right eye the pressure has increased to 40 even after the increase in medicine. Unlike his left eye though his vision is good in that eye and it is clear. The Eye Vet has increased the only other medication he can to see if that will help. We go back in 3 weeks. I will have to take the day off or cancel a doctor appointment I have the following week and take him them. If the eye pressure increases or stays high I have 2 options both costly. One would be to try and use some type of cyro procedure on the eye to see if the glaucoma can be stopped and reversed (but no guarantees) the other have the eye taken out like the left. But, the last option makes Henry permanently blind although the cyro option could too. Either way his sight has just a few more months maybe 6 months to a year. At least when he loses the other eye he will be probably be healthier and happier because he will not be on such strong medication.
Important Notice about Hurricane Charley
We are preparing to experience Hurricane Charley. I will be working all weekend and do not know my schedule because of Hurricane Charley. My sister, 2 nieces and Chris (my sister’s) boyfriend are at my house along with my mom and dad. They will be here while I am working. To all my family and friends outside of this household you can call me on my cell. I will have it with me. Hopefully, we will just get a little bit of the storm. However, we are forecasted to get the full hit. So, this may be my last entry for a week or so.
Henry Update:
Henry is doing quite well on the eye that was removed. The surgical area looks a lot better than the pictures I uploaded last week. When I get a chance I will update more recent pictures. I am hoping we will get nothing but good news when I take him back to the eye Vet on the 25th of August at 1:00 PM. Take care all and takes to all for the prayers and concerns reference Henry. -
Henry Post Eye Removal
Here are two pictures post left eye removal of Henry. He is improving each day. The pictures look pretty bad. But, I can tell he is in less pain. Now, I am working hard to save his right eye. The eye Vet has increased his medication to get his right eye pressure down from 30 back to 20 or below. Let’s pray it works or he faces the removal or some other options that may not work on his right eye.
2 Days before
Well, it is 2 days before Henry’s eye removal. I think we both are feeling a little anxious.
I have updated the website. I am not quite sure if I will be able to update it in August. I am working a lot of overtime next month. I will try though.
Henry Update
Today Henry had 2 Vet visits. The first to his regular Vet for his 6 month Proheart Shot (for heartworms). That visit with food and allergy medication along with the shot was $184. The second at the Eye Vet for his 6 month check up. We received good news reference the right eye it is doing fine with a pressure at 20 (not bad, no great but ok). However, the left eye which I have already spent ($2200) is in very bad shape. The two previous injections to kill the eye and keep any fluid from building up has failed. The Vet said this was a first. Usually after 2 shots no problems anymore. Henry is having the left eye removed for good next week. This will cost $800 and his left eye will be shut forever.
Just when my finances were looking up with plenty of overtime from work it will be going to unexpected Vet bills and I am stuck in neutral again. -
Well, I was supposed to work some overtime today. But, it got cancelled. Oh well, 2 more weeks and everything should be calming down.
Well, I just finished up working 7 days straight. I have to work tonight which is overtime. I work Wednesday and Thursday and then off for the weekend. I will update some stuff over the weekend.
Well, since I failed to win the Lottery last night, I will be back at work tomorrow. I have enjoyed my time off just bumming around. It will be awhile before I get to blog again.