Category: Uncategorized

  • I was off all this weekend and it felt good. I go back to work. Expenses have seemed to be climbing. I am looking at cutting some of my monthly expenses. For example I have taken steps to reduce my monthly telephone bill including DSL from 130 to almost 80. Well, back to work tomorrow. The rest of this month and all of next and my training will be complete.

  • Another 2 days off. I am taking Henry to the Vet today for his 6 month proheart shot and an allergy shot. I am also going to do a couple of errands. Was sick on Monday and work 3/4 of a day. Had to go home wanted to stick it out but just could not do it.
    Yesterday felt fine and work an hour and a half over. Loving the new job. I will be working this weekend. Next year is a short week. Thank God for that. Also, got some monetary issues clarified from a couple of bills stand point and work owes me some money.

    Take care everyone.

  • Well, I am off this weekend. Just a note to all, you will not see Webcam updates for a couple of weeks or may a couple of months. I am going to be re-installing my operating system within the next couple of months. I am having a few issues that I created so I will be resolving them with a fresh install. I probably won’t even attempt it until after the 4th of July weekend. So, for those of you looking forward to my annual 4th of July update it will not be happening this year.

    I may be buying a new computer this year if I do it will be around Christmas or at the beginning of next year. I might be buying a new laptop this year. I am not sure if I will or won’t. If I do it will be around the end of August or September. I am doing some budget restructuring so that I can still get my own house in 2 years or sooner.

    I changed my DSL service today I currently have 1.5 megabits down and 384 kilobits up. But, the telephone company says I can take my $133 monthly bill and cut it down to around $80.00 a month with a special package. The only things that will change is my upload speed will drop down to 128 kilobits and I will be switching my long distance carrier from AT&T to Verizon. But, the long distance is supposed to be unlimited so we will see.

  • Well, I am off the next 2 days and plan on doing nothing but relaxing.

  • Well, another day off. I did mostly nothing. It has been raining all day. Sunday is my last day of my first round of training in my new job. A good friend of mine today became Police Chief of Solcomb, AL.

  • Sorry I have not blogged in a long time. But, the new job has long hours and more days off to catch up on sleep. The new job is going great. Don’t know what I am going to do this weekend besides getting a hair cut and maybe mow the lawn.

    Dell finally replaced my hard drive. However, for some reasons or another I did not backup my address book in Outlook. So, I am re-entering information and may not have everyone’s information.

  • I watched a DVD today called “The Recruit” not bad. Give it 3.5 stars out of 5. Henry got groomed today and I spent over over $170.00 today. Grooming and food for Henry.

    My Dell computer is losing it’s hard drive. The hard drive is failing. I have contacted Dell because it is still under warranty and they have said that they are in the process for the support people to come out and fix it. So if the hard drive does fail I will be offline for a few days.

    Tomorrow off again. But, I have to take my Grandmother to Inverness to the dentist. Yippee!

  • Well, I am back to work tomorrow looking forward to it. This is a long week. I work Monday, Tuesday off Wednesday and Thursday then go back Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    I have been hiccupping since yesterday. I think it might be from the medication I am on. It does stop when I a sleep. Thank God for that. Once, I wake up it stays stopped until I drink or eat something. I hope it stops for go soon.

  • Well, I went to the Doctor yesterday and I am on 2 antibiotics, a steroid, cough medicine and I continue to take my Clarinex. When I am done with the steroid I am to start taking my nasal spray again. I have a severe sinus infection. This is one of the worst I have had in terms of coughing and duration. I go back in two weeks to see if I have improved. I have improved about 10% since Friday.

    I have four new DVD’s to watch this weekend. I also have some studying to do for my new job. Last weekend I watched some DVD’s that I had bought. Catch Me if you Can is OK. Emperor’s Club is OK and Road to Perdition was a 3 1/2 star one. I also bought A Few Good Men but have not watched it because I have seen it before.

    The New Ones are Windtalker the Directors Collection, The Recruit (looks pretty good), Atlantis Milo’s Return (also looks good) and Star Trek: Nemesis.

    Well, on the financial front my second paycheck was lower than I expected. However, I believe they started taking out for Insurance. So, I will have to wait for next month to tell how much of a pay cut I took. However, I will be over the amount I was making at my last job by the middle next year. The money I got from leaving my last job has paid off several bills. I wish it could have been more. I would play the Lottery, however, I have just enough money for expenses and bills next month. So, maybe next month sometime I will come up with a little extra money.

    Well, this was a long entry because I wanted to catch everyone up. I updated the website with several new photos, some new music on some of the pages and update a couple of the pages (i.e. the My TV Shows page and My Calendar page).

    [Listening to: Somebody’s Praying Me Through – Allen Asbury – Somebody’s Praying Me Through [Bonus Track] (04:03)]

  • Well, I just finished my first week on the job training at my new job. I have been assigned a training person. She shows me how to handle different situations. She has been great. She is knowledgeable, friendly, funny and has a great personality. I feel lucky to have her training me.