Long time

Sorry I haven’t blogged sooner. But, since being back from my vacation I have been busy. This is the first chance I have had to sit down and type something meaningful. I have updated the website. The new theme for this month is Baseball. I have tried to establish that through out.

I had a so so trip. Greeneville, Tennessee was not that great. The mountain views were awesome but that was about it. luckily, I am going to be able to finally purchase the land in Paris, Tennessee. So, Paris Tennessee will be where I am retiring too. I should hopefully close on the land by the 1st of June. The pictures of the property are on the Paris, Tenn page.

Back to the trip. I also went to Asheville, North Carolina. I liked the city but not their road system. I went to the Biltmore Estate while there and had a great time. There is a picture of me feeling the snow. While in Asheville I toured the Deltec Model home and their factory. These are round houses and I am totally sold on them. I like the design and they are Tornado and Hurricane resistant. In fact, the Deltec homes have survived Charley in Florida which we went through and Katrina. I won’t have to worry about hurricanes in Tennessee but I will have to worry about Tornadoes.

Well, this coming month will be a very busy month as you can see by my calendar. I will try to blog more. Take care to everyone and enjoy the weekend. It has been beautiful here in Brandon, weather wise.