Well today was my Mom’s birthday. I gave her a gift. Hope she likes it.
Not much else going on. I did post something on New Years Day. However, it did not post. So I will post it again.
School will be keeping me busy. We are down to two tests per week now and I have two projects I must do.
Take care to all and hope everyone is doing great.
Happy New Year to everyone!
I hope 2009 goes better for you and me than 2008 did.
Be safe everyone. -
Well I hope everyone had a Merry and Great Christmas!
I did not we will leave it at that. Can’t wait for Saturday though. -
Happy Birthday Jesus.
This is a good song from this group. It is funny. New twist on an old classic. Listen all the way through.
I am almost done with my retail/ambulatory clinicals. Thursday is my last day. I will then hopefully have time to update my website for Christmas and get out my Christmas card.
Hope everyone is doing fine. I am and so is Henry and Taco, my dogs. See all of you all later. -
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
I know that I got stuffed. I hope everyone else did too.
My clinicals are going great. I am off until Monday. But, can’t wait until I finish and get a job. So, I will have some of my retirement left. -
Well I am glad I won’t be seeing any election commercials for at least two years. I voted for one candidate based on a single very important issue to me. I was really not impressed with either candidate this year. I look forward to when Huckabee runs again.
I just got my first report card for my Pharmacy Technician program. I have a 4.0 grade point average for now. I am having fun learning about the different drugs. We just finished all of are ambulatory/retail pharmacy side of the program. There was a snafu with our clinical/internships. So we will be going straight into the Institutional/hospital side starting Monday. Soon we will began learning to make IV solutions. -
I have finally filled out my absentee ballot. School is going good and I will be starting clinicals next month. I have finally updated the website for the first time in a few months. It has been updated for Thanksgiving.