
  • I went to the eye doctor today. My prescription did not change. However, the doctor wants me to come back in 6 months. The pressure in my right eye is slightly higher than it should be. She thinks it was just the dilation. However, she ordered more tests for me. When I come back in 6 months it will be just for a pressure check. She wants make sure I am not developing glaucoma.

  • I work a double last night. Have only had 4 hours of sleep. I had to take Henry to the Eye Vet for a follow-up. Some mixed news. His eye is looking good from the surgery and the other eye will be done next week. However, the doctor is keeping him, long term, on medicine for his eye for glaucoma. He is worried he might develop it, if hes not put permanently on the medicine. He says that it must be genetic. Because it is in both eyes. If it was just in his left eye he could attribute the narrowing of his eye duct to scaring. But, since the right eye has not been operated on yet it must be genetic. So to prevent it he is keeping him on the glaucoma medicine. I told Henry he better not go blind. Well, off to the eye doctor myself tomorrow.

  • Well, it is official! I am getting FAT again. I have gain back 10 of my 23 pounds lost. My blood pressure is definitely weight related. It has gone back up in the border zone. The problem with the Atkins diet is that it works as long as you really really restrict the carbs. Well, I can’t keep doing that. I am thinking about a diet called “The Zone.” I also need to start some rudimentary exercising. But, I hate exercising. When is a pill going to be available?

  • I just found this Star Trek personality test and it was pretty close. Below are my results:

    Star Trek Personality Test — Results

    Myers-Briggs would say that you are an INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinker, Judger). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Jean-Luc Picard and Seven of Nine.

    People like you are generally autonomous, aloof, and intellectual. You sometimes give the impression you have no need of others, but you’re intensely curious and driven to learn. You’re cautious with others socially and respond best to people who don’t push you to be friendly or affectionate. You appreciate when others follow your lead and accept your criticism in the helpful spirit in which it is intended. You’re calm by nature and feel off-balance when confronted by highly emotional people.

    You’re highly organized and expect the same of others. You analyze automatically and enjoy seeing patterns and trends. When your mind is made up, that’s it, which means that while you’re definitive and strong, you can be stubborn and arrogant.

    You respond best to other people’s needs when they tell you about them clearly. You value honesty greatly. You prize people who listen to you and respect your ideals. You are somewhat contemptuous of those who don’t pay attention to what you say.

    You’re a conservative dresser, but you have a unique and personal style.

    Your primary goal in life is achieving independence and being able to live according to your own standards. Your reward is continual expansion of your competence and knowledge.

    Good careers for your type include being a starship captain, intellectual property attorney, news analyst, design engineer, software developer, inventor, Webmaster, architect, and ex-Borg.

    Let me know if you think, for those of you who know me, the test was accurate!

  • I got my teeth cleaned today. Other than that nothing going on, except me relaxing.

  • I know that there is a problem when I post from Blogger it is not getting to my yahoo group or it is getting there but filtered out. So this I am trying to track down the problem. But, it is nothing I am doing. Be patient. Thanks.

  • Another week down. My niece, Alexus is sick. She has to see a specialist this Friday. They are unsure what is wrong at this point. She is running a fever. I am going to the Dentist tomorrow. Getting my teeth clean. Well, not much happening here. I have made some minor changes to the web site today. Mostly, to correct some out dated stuff. Take care and see you all tomorrow.

  • Henry got his stitches out today. He loves not having to wear the plastic collar. My dad bought me an early Birthday present. He bought me and my mother i95cl cell phones. Let’s hope Nextel does not mess up my billing. I worked another weekend of 17 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I am saving for Henry’s right eye to be done. Which will take place on the 21st of next month. Start back to work tomorrow. Wish I wasn’t but got to keep moving forward. Only 12 years left until retirement.

  • I worked 17 hours Saturday and Sunday. I am needing these two days off to recuperate. I will be catching up on sleeping, watching TV, playing games and eating.

    Henry is doing great! He gets his stitches out next week.

  • I thought that I would never see this again. Once in my lifetime was enough and it has happened again. I was a junior in High School back in January 28, 1986 in class when I was told about the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up during take off. Now 17 years later Space Shuttle Columbia blew up on re-entry. You can find more information from this link at or this one at I have found the best coverage on using my RealPlayer paid account. I am very sad. This is a shining program for our Country and I would like to go to Space some day. I always believed it put you as physically close to the Lord and Saviour as possible. I will keep the families of these brave Astronauts in my prayers.