Well, I sold my ReplayTV. It is already boxed and shipped and I have my money. Now, to buy my Tivo. I am so stuffed it is not funny. Had a great time at my grandmothers. Going to the movies tomorrow.
I off, off, off until Saturday. I wanted to take this time and tell everyone I wish that they have a great Thanksgiving!
I have finally had it with my ReplayTV. The thing works and works great. However, it hates my cable connection. It did not record my shows tonight Everwood, 7th Heaven and CSI Miami. Luckily, I only missed 15 minutes of CSI Miami. I can catch Everwood on Sunday (I have to record it because I will be working) but 7th Heaven is a wash. This makes me enraged. So, I have put it up on Ebay. Like I said the unit works it just does not like my Cable company and connection for some reason. I hope to sale it. But, in any event I am going to go in the hole in the short term and buy another TIVO. -
Well, just wanted to drop a quick note to let everyone know that I am doing fine. I hate work though. But, what is new there. I just read a news story that confirms everything I have been thinking about since the 9/11 attacks. I believe that the Saudis were involved in this attack. Meaning the Saudi Government. All the hijackers were Saudis. Here is the link you decide for yourself.
This was a trying week. Seven days straight. I worked a whooping 20 hours yesterday. I hate work more and more each passing day. Luckily, I don’t have to think about it until Friday and then I have only a four day work week. I will be off most of next week.
Got Henry a much need grooming today. Also, caught up on my TV shows yesterday. I watched several good movies today. Left Behind 2: The Tribulation Force, Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones (man Yoda can fight) and Sum of All Fears (excellent movie). Seven day work period coming up. Next Tuesday will be an exhausting day.
Happy Day off for me. I am doing fine and I hope everyone else is. Off today and tomorrow then start a 7 day stretch. Nothing much happening today. Hope everyone is doing great. I am.
Voted today and did other errands. I will be working overtime on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday will be a long day as well.
On the financial front I am doing miserable. Hence, all the overtime. This will be a bleak Christmas for me. I have already informed my family. I told them not to expect much from me and I don’t expect or want anything this year. I will barely be able to afford my company Christmas party and buy my niece a toy or too. I will have to charge both of those as well. But, in the long run I should be ok. I am still on target to be 95% debt free by the end of 2004 and hopefully have my own house by April 2005. Why is it I can’t have a 1 million dollar day. I would actually just settle for $40000.00 to pay off my bills. -
Tomorrow is Voting Day. Who will I vote for? I tell you Wednesday.
Got my test results from the doctors office reference my physical last week. Good cholesterol is low. Bad cholesterol is only 201 not bad and my triglycerides are good. The doctor said everything look good just a little exercise and stay on my low carb diet.
Happy November everyone. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I took Friday off and I so happy. Still have to work Saturday and Sunday but that is ok.