We are preparing to experience Hurricane Charley. I will be working all weekend and do not know my schedule because of Hurricane Charley. My sister, 2 nieces and Chris (my sister’s) boyfriend are at my house along with my mom and dad. They will be here while I am working. To all my family and friends outside of this household you can call me on my cell. I will have it with me. Hopefully, we will just get a little bit of the storm. However, we are forecasted to get the full hit. So, this may be my last entry for a week or so.

Henry Update:
Henry is doing quite well on the eye that was removed. The surgical area looks a lot better than the pictures I uploaded last week. When I get a chance I will update more recent pictures. I am hoping we will get nothing but good news when I take him back to the eye Vet on the 25th of August at 1:00 PM. Take care all and takes to all for the prayers and concerns reference Henry.