A week of Bad News!
Well, yesterday was a day of bad news and today continued the trend. I went in for a physical back on June 2, 2005. The nurse from my doctor called me and woke me up after I had gotten home late and had only about 3 to 3.5 hours sleep when she called. She started out the telephone conversation Mr. Mitchell we need you to come in for additional blood work and the doctor is writing a script for a ultrasound of your liver. He thinks something is wrong with your liver and your liver panels are why out of wack and the doctor thinks you might have hepatitis. Well, to say the least I was wide awake then, I started to ask questions like how could I have hepatitis when I have had the inoculations for hepatitis B and that I was exposed to blood last year at work several times. But, I went for the 6 months of required blood draws and they all were negative. So, I am thinking the worst case scenario. After 4 and a half hours of no sleep and continuous telephone calls to and from the doctors office. The nurse finally calls be back and states that the doctor doesn't think I have hepatitis. He is having the ultrasound and other blood tests to make sure my liver is healthy and in good condition because he is going to start me on cholesterol medication. My cholesterol is 252 and my weight is a big factor in all this. So, I felt like a hundred pound weight have been lifted off of my shoulders. Then I wanted to punch that nurse out because she had caused me to panic. I go Friday for more blood work and will schedule the ultrasound for hopefully sometime next week. I will keep you informed.
Bad news week continued.....
I took Henry to the Eye Vet today and his pressure is high again. However, since he is in no obvious pain there is nothing that can be done except continued the medication and have him rechecked for monitoring. His eye has enlarged but otherwise is intact. The Vet believes that the eye enlarging is probably keeping him from being in pain. His nerves also might be dead which would cause no pain. So, I guess this could be considered mixed news.
Other bad things that happened last week.....
I had to go back to my eye doctor. The prescription and my new glasses were not working. Come to find out the prescription was too strong. Usually the doctor double checks the nurse's findings before I leave. But this year she didn't. So, after getting the proper prescription I took my glasses back and having the lenses redone. Luckily, I am not going to have to pay for it.
Bad news week continued.....
I took Henry to the Eye Vet today and his pressure is high again. However, since he is in no obvious pain there is nothing that can be done except continued the medication and have him rechecked for monitoring. His eye has enlarged but otherwise is intact. The Vet believes that the eye enlarging is probably keeping him from being in pain. His nerves also might be dead which would cause no pain. So, I guess this could be considered mixed news.
Other bad things that happened last week.....
I had to go back to my eye doctor. The prescription and my new glasses were not working. Come to find out the prescription was too strong. Usually the doctor double checks the nurse's findings before I leave. But this year she didn't. So, after getting the proper prescription I took my glasses back and having the lenses redone. Luckily, I am not going to have to pay for it.