I was just sitting here thinking. I know that I have not been back to Church in a while. Not really because I don’t want to worship Christ. But, because of my job and because I always have been Introverted. I don’t like being around people. Especially, strangers. It takes a while to get to know people and once I am comfortable with people I am fine. So, this is one reason that I do not attend Church. There are a couple of more. Also, due to my job, when I am off it is down time for me and I have to admit I like to be lazy which links back to reason one getting to know people takes a lot of effort and I have been disappointed on many occasions with people. Which brings me to my third reason. People lie. I don’t mean a little “white” lie like that is a good color when it really is isn’t, but hypocritical lying. I deal with liars on my job all day long. But, then does this mean my love for Christ is any less genuine. I think not. I constantly listen to Christian music and shows while working, via the radio. So, I get my spiritual renewal and food from that source. I read the Internet visiting Christian links to gather information. I read, via e-mail, daily my devotional. So, yes I am being fed. Yes, I know the reason to attend Church is not only to be fed Spiritually but to fellowship with the people bonded by the same things that bond all Christian. The salvation Christ the Lord has given us and we should draw strength in that.

The reason I bring all this up is I saw Passions for Christ a couple of weeks ago and it was an awesome movie. This movie can spiritually feed you for a while. It had me thinking tonight as every night, but more so tonight, that the suffering Christ submitted and allowed for me was unbelievable. I have to think that if I lived in the days that this happened and I know I would be follower of Christ back then to that I would have intercede somehow, even for a brief moment, to stop the pain and torture Christ had to endure for us. Yes, I know that I would have been killed but you know that would have been fine. Because I know where I am heading upon death. Death, even old age, these things don’t bother me. Pain, torture to me and suffering that Our Christ went through, that bothers me. If you haven’t seen the movie yet go see it. It was amazing to see and hear the audience. No one in the theater talked during the movie after the first 15 minutes. Some teenagers were sitting next to me and were laughing and talking and even making fun of the movies subtitles. But, after 15 minutes. There was absolutely no sound, other than the movie, and no one got up to go to the concession stand or the bathroom. The movie with it’s message is painful but necessary to sit through and really realize what Christ endure for us.

Well that was on my mind and I had to let it out.